Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocabulary sentences # 9

1. My mother kept saying that the stake was savory, I thought it tasted like a bucket of worms.
2. Flys are enticing enough to kill.
3. Mosquitoes are tactless to people's blood.
4. Mother says girls that twerk have no integrity, Miley Cirus twerk.
5. I cleaned Tue cars and washed the windows, I compensate my mother.
6. I'm aloof when ever someone tries to yell at me.
7. Sovy loves to goad L.C, I'm just waiting for the day he snaps.
8. Jose likes to think I'm his cohort, just kidding.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Darker Than Night Literature Analysis #1

1.The main characters of this book are Quinn and The Night Prowler. The Night Prowler is a murder of this book and only kills married couple. Quinn, the detective,  has to find him and stop him from killing these couples.
A couple of things the Night Prowler does before killing the couples is leaving the female victim gifts, he knows she will like and will think that here husband had gotten it for her. Also he leaves very expensive food in the fridge for them too. Quinn and some other detectives figure this out, but don't  how it will help their case.
The Night Prowler has a history for why he does what he does. If you want to know why and what happens to him and Quinn read the book,  Darker Than Night, by John Lutz.
2. The theme of the book even though you think that you can't be caught, if you never make a mistake when doing something wrong, you still have a big chance of getting caught. And example is The Night Prowler was watching the news Quinn was talking about how he would be caught The Night Prowler soon, The Night Prowler thought, "So Quinn thinks" (355).
3. The auther's tone, I'm not really sure of. He wants you to see all the colors though, he wants you to smell what the characters smell, what they fell too. Examples are "White powder, pink sex, green money, red vengeance, the blue eyes of the gods..." (355), "Cara remained curled on the bed, wrapping her bare arms about her head and whimpering" (193), and "Before or after you twist off his head? 'What niche say?'" (63).
4. I don't want to give away who the killer is bit the yellow rose symbolizes his history, he leaves them knowing that the women with think that their husbands had left them, for them. "So that was it for the roses, he didn't ask about them, so he probably did buy them..." (304).
The author uses third person omnition a lot an example is one of the thoughts of one of the first female victims, "Not me! Not me! Not yet!" (11).
He also uses many idioms a simple example is,"...until time itself wears it out" (305).
John Lutz also uses a billions of flashbacks about the life of a young man who has an affair with his foster mother. "'Milford's sleeping like the dead,' she said. 'He won't hear us.' She took Luther's hand and led him to the couch" (241).
An example of imagery is in one of the sides stories when a woman is getting beaten,"The woman continued crawling toward the door, and the whip continued to lash her bare buttocks,her meaty thighs, and sometimes, to surprise her, her bare back" (236).

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Vocabulary #8

1. The cute, little bunny was malignant, because deep inside the bunny wanted to bite your eyes out.

2. The ornery old man through rocks at us.

3. My sister looks the way she looks because she is indolent.

4. Even though the dog was still trying to belittle the kitten, the kitten was still scarier then the dog.

5. The boy jeopardizes his relationship with his girlfriend all the time.

6. Staring at my mom will he your demise.

7. Running into a pole and getting a bloodly nose was awry.

8. Mother is frugal, that is why she coupons.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Vocabulary #7

1. I had to inhibite my sister from slapping my younger brother, not two minutes ago.
2. My sister aberrantly darted right now.
3. I loathe having a lot of stuff to do in one day like today.
4. I think it is very prowess if you can play football very well.
5. When I'm mad people say I'm very incoherent.
6. On my epitaph I want it to say "Still to liget to quite even in death".
7. When me and my five year old sister have conversations, she is very elaborate.
8. People say my countenance are funny when I'm mad.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Antigone Compare and Contrast

Phanna Monigan
Block 2
            In Antigone, by Sophocel, is a tragic play. The main characters are Antigone, a reckless teen-ager, and Creon, a new king of a kingdom. Antigone and Creon’s conflict was that they were so similar in character, but had many differences.
Antigone and Creon have many differences and loyalties. Antigone is very loyal to her family and the gods. When Creon ruled that no one was to bury Polyneices and when Ismene would not help bury him, Antigone still went and buried Polynieces. She even states, “Perhaps. But I am doing what I must” (prologue 1, 80). She thinks she has to bury, Polynieces, her brother, that, this is what has to be done. She, Antigone, is very loyal to te gods too. In scene two, when she is arguing with Creon, she basically says, the god’s law is final, you can’t change them, and they will always be there. That t man’s law only last a short time compared to the gods’. Unlike Antigone, Creon on the other hand is loyal to his kingdom. When he is giving his address to the people when he became the king he said, “ I have nothing but contempt for the king of Governor who is afrid, for whatever reason, to follow the course that he knows is best for his state, and for the man who sets private friendships above the public welfare. I have no use for him” (scene 1, 23-27). He is saying, he hates a person who only cares for himself, he doesn’t want a man who cares only for his private friend above his kingdom. This reflects the person Creon doesn’t want his people to think he is. Creon doesn’t care for his family all to much, though. In scene one when the Sentry came to Creon, saying someone had buried Polynieces, Creon became angry and blamed anyone that came to his mind, that people where bribed to bury Polynieces, and that he was going to kill the Sentry. As you can see Antigone and Creon care for different things, and they both think they are right.
            Even though Antigone and Creon have many differences they do have a similarity, they both are very prideful. They think everything they do is right, until it was too late. To show Antigone was prideful is when she said, “I do, I deny nothing” (scene two, 59). This is when she was asked if she had buried Polyneices, she responded with that quote. It shows that she is arrogant and proud of what she did. Also, in scene two when she is arguing with Creon, she has so much pride that she said the people aren’t backing her up, is because, they are scared of him, to a kings face. Creon like Antigone is prideful too. In his argument with Antigone he said, “You are alone here in that opinion” (scene two, 127). He says this after Antigone says everyone is afraid of him. Creon thinks he is right, but he is wrong. Everyone is afraid of him. In scene one when the Sentry had came to him, saying someone had buried Polynieces, Creon thought a man had done it, he wanted the man found, but we all knew it was Antigone. This shows that he is arrogant to the fact that a girl would defy him; he thought women were too weak, and this also showed his pride. Antigone and Creon’s pride both got them in trouble, their punishment for both, was deaths.

Even though they both thought everything they did was right, they both deserve some of the blame they got from their punishments. Antigone, she didn’t have to be so arrogant to the fact that her Uncle Creon was just trying to do his job. Creon, Even though Polyneices was a traitor, still deserved his year at the throne. Polyneices was to be a king, and should be buried like one. Creon should of respected that way sooner.